Adventure Fitness Brings a Fresh Climbing Option to the Denver Metroplex

The two lane climbing wall, complete with TRUBLUE Auto Belays, is ready to go.
You know something is going to be awesome when it hearkens back to childhood memories AND moves an organization into uncharted territory. Those twin goals are at the forefront of Craig Shires’ mind when he talks about his “Cave”. The Cave is the new bouldering space at his business Adventure Fitness Athletic Club in Thornton, CO.
Craig grins from ear to ear as he shares his vision. “I want this space to feel kind of like the sea caves I used to climb in along the Oregon Coast. No ropes, no harnesses, very overhung…just climbing.” He’s also very conscious of where his new climbing terrain will fit into the climbing options in the Denver area. “As far as I know, this will be the only bouldering cave in a personal fitness and training facility in the area. It will also be the only climbing walls that aren’t packed at 5:30pm.” Craig’s business model is unique in that club members reserve their time in the gym, including time for the climbing terrain.
The two lane wall, complete with TRUBLUE Auto-Belays, is ready to go. Stay tuned for the opening of The Cave.
Adventure Fitness Athletic Club in Thornton, CO
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